Seamless Steel Pipes

Çelik Çekme Kazan Boruları

Heat Exchanger Tubes

Used for boiler, pipe lines, pressure vessels, equipment for high temperature and pressure, equipment for heat-exchanger and condenser at a temperature lower than 650°C.

Petrol Doğalgaz ve Hat Boruları

Petroleum & Gas Line Pipes

Pipes used in production, transportation and processing of pil and gas.

Düşük Sıcaklık Boruları

Low Temperature Application Pipes

Low-temperature service. Fine grain steel pipes for pressure purposes are used in power engineering and in associated fields of industry. They are used as pipes in elevated pressure installations as well as in installation where it is important to guarantee the appropriate resillience of steel in varying temperature.

Karbon Çelik Borular

Hydraulic and Pneumatic Pipes (Precision Pipes)

The purpose of this standard is to waft hydraulic fluids or pneumatic pressure to other systems. The pipes has more precision than EN 10216 standard. In general, these pipes are suitable for bending process. The pipes can be used in machinery industry, automotive industry, construction and agricultural machinery industry and shipyards. The production method of the pipes is "Cold drawn".

EN 10305-1 E235 E255 E355 + N
EN 10305-4 E235 + N (St37 NBK) 
EN 10305-4 E3555 + N (St52 NBK) 

Mekanik ve Konstrüksiyon Amaçlı Borular

Mechanical and Structural Steel Pipes

Seamless non-alloy steel pipes for mechanical and general engineering purpose. Used for production of machine parts, linepipe, vessel construction, general mechanical engineering and tool building under 300°C.

Damla Makina Boru